It is almost ten months now since I began to manifest my feminine being to the outside world. I grew my hair longer, started wearing lipstick, began scouring women’s clothing sites and buying a new wardrobe. Then I began presenting femininely in public. I was very anxious about the pushback I expected to get and rather surprised when it didn’t happen. To be sure, there have been disapproving looks from strangers, men mostly. Most significantly, there has been pushback from the women who have known me the longest. My wife, my mother and sister. They’ve had to adjust their idea of me which has been a process for them.

The most pleasant surprise of all, however, has been the number of relative strangers who have gone out of their way to affirm my feminine forward presentation. A neighbor from a few doors up was driving by and stopped to tell me he thought I had been rocking my outfits lately. Another neighbor I often pass during early morning walks made a point of telling me how cute my outfits were. A vender in the farmer’s market told me she had been noticing me for a while and that she loved my style.

I am not naive. I know I can expect some ugly moments in the future. But for now, I am basking in the warmth of loving acceptance.