: putting myself in context, bell hooks, being effeminate in a good way … my feminine drift is settling into womanly-man spot… the more i figure out my presentation, …

: Scenes From My Feminine Transition I had a brief text conversation with a family member yesterday. My trans-feminine explorations are …

: Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Or, The Ballad of Joe Biden’s Bad Night Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble …

: an update on my feminine blossoming + my fear of men’s capacity for violence … i continue to grow my feminine out into the world… my rollout has been measured… i think carefully …

: What Am I? I have been thinking a lot about what it is I am becoming. It seems more and more that it is less …

: Coming Out to a Larger Circle Last night was my friend’s birthday party. I went with my wife in full feminine mode. As I wrote …

: My Feminine Blossoming, An Update When the soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and steps into …

: I Am My Project I have been in a creative funk; unable to write compellingly; unable to focus on moving photographic …

: It’s Always Been Michael, Never Mike Whatever calls you, whether it’s the ocean or art or family or democracy, isn’t out there. It’s …

: Does My Faith Stand Up? I was going through my files, cleaning things up, and found this piece I wrote back in 2001 in the …

: Palestinians, Israelis, and War It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they …

: What do you think about AI? We were at a memorial service for a family friend who died a few months back. During a period of …

: Sexually Explicit Movies This past weekend I was on my own, so I spent some time watching films billed as having sexually …

: The Truth of Me The man who is aware of himself is henceforward independent; and he is never bored, and life is only …

: I’m 68, my time is precious! I am not in a place of grace right now. This week, a new struggle with a corporation arrived. …

: 2024, A Pivotal Year? You Bet! As David Kurtz of _Talking Points Memo_put it two days later, “America is living through a …

: fios By Verizon, A Contemporary Take on The Myth of Sisyphus Tenacity and acumen are privileged spectators of this inhuman show in which absurdity, hope, and …

: Mind, Body, Earth, Community Last week, in a conversation about scheduling ourselves at our health club, I told my wife that I …

: Men, Women, and Capitalism My thoughts about men, women, and capitalism, have been brewing for a while. What follows is a loose …

: About Habit ##About Habit Habit is far more dependable than inspiration. Make progress by making habits. …

: My Personal Environmental Action Assessment and Plan Another study published yesterday warns that the Atlantic currents that transport warm water from …

: The Woman I Want/To Be A woman created the sun Inside her And her hands were beautiful The earth plunged beneath her feet …

: Literature and Empathy Last week’s post was about my experience writing physical intimacy between women, the reaction to my …

: About Heteronormative Male Sexual Fantasy Tropes A few weeks ago, I participated in the 1000 words of summer challenge, which was to write 1000 words …

: 26 Weeks of Writing A day or two after the new year began, I wrote and published my reflections on the past year and a …

: About My 50th High School Reunion My wife’s high school reunion will be in October. One of her good friends from high school is on the …

: Smaller Is Beautiful I had an argument with my wife the other day. Not long ago, I bought a half gallon mason jar with …

: What Intelligent Life Is Made Of: Postscript This is part 5 of a 5 part series. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 An Update The first four parts of …

: What Intelligent Life Is Made Of, Part 4 This is part 4 of a 5 part series. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 What Should We Hope For? The scientific and …

: What Intelligent Life Is Made Of, Part 3 This is part 3 of a 5 part series. Part 1 Part 2 Where is all this heading? Science fiction …

: What Intelligent Life is Made Of, Part 2 This is part 2 of a 5 part series. You can read Part 1 here. About the Artificial and Unnatural It …

: The Photograph Photograph by Margot Kingon When she stumbled across it, she didn’t think much of it. A photograph …

: What Intelligent Life Is Made Of, Part 1 Adapted from a talk delivered at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, December 20, 2009. A …

: Something Is Afoot I have been reading Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici. It’s about the shift from Feudalism to …

: My True Potential We’ve been watching The Big Door Prize. The premise of the show is the appearance of a vending …

: A Humanist Concept of Sacred What follows is derived from a talk I gave at the New York Society for Ethical Culture a decade ago. …

: Review of Reclaiming the Sacred, by Jeff Golden Read: Reclaiming the Sacred by Jeff Golden 📚 I forget how I came across this book, I think it was …

: And then I read. Two more mass shootings in less than two weeks. Both carried out with assault style rifles. In …

: Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light —Dylan Thomas The position of those embracing a post-liberal order is a far cry from the Reagan …

: How Much Does Happiness Cost? Research… shows that materialism is “toxic” for happiness, that the more importance we place on …

: It’s a simple thing, but… This past week I [posted about the change in management] in our local movie theater and the …

: About The Handmaid’s Tale _ File:“Die Mütter” - Käthe Kollwitz ; Felsing (printer). Wikimedia Commons I have had …

: Can AI Make Art? It is the responsibility of artists to pay attention to the world, pleasant or otherwise, and to …

: Another Post About AI The chance of gain is by every man more or less over-valued, and the chance of loss is by most men …

: Finding the Mother Community Fox News Corp (FNC) has been on my mind. The release to the public of the 1.6 billion lawsuit legal …

: What Is ChatGPT For? I am sure many of you heard about what happened during Microsoft’s beta testing of the ChatGPT …

: Spirit-of-Gift I have finished reading The Gift by Lewis Hyde. It was a very satisfying read. It didn’t tell me …

: Never Put Off Till Tomorrow… My Uncle died last weekend. This past Friday, I, my wife and my cousin drove to Holden Massachusetts …

: In Praise of the Choir When I looked back on my week of attention paid, as represented by what I chose to post to these …

: Nick Cave Vs. ChatGPT This past week a musician friend of mine posted a link to a Guardian article in which Nick Cave …

: Wo/man, The Two Legged Paradox I have been reading The Log from the Sea of Cortez, by John Steinbeck. It is the chronicle of a six …

: ”Make the work, something will come of it.” Adventures in a gift economy… I, like many of you, have come to the conclusion that Capitalism is …

: Reflections for 2022, Aspirations for 2023 Reflections The past year was a challenging one for, I imagine, just about everyone. Mine was too. …